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abc 加速器

  • Wiki style format enables collaboration in a single space
  • Features LaTeX editor, highlighted syntax and code blocking
  • Questions and posts needing immediate action are highlighted
  • Instructors endorse answers to keep the class on track
  • Anonymous posting encourages every student to participate
  • Highly customizable online polls
  • Integrates with every major LMS
Learn more about how Piazza complies with FERPA Companies looking for talent start here
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Watch these videos to get started:
Creating and Configuring Your Class
佛 跳墙
Posting your first note
Organizational tips with folders
Piazza intro for students
9am & 12pm PDT: Live Piazza Demo
10am & 1pm PDT: Live Office Hours
See full schedule
Educator Tips during COVID-19:
Sharing Faculty Experiences

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abc 加速器

Jennifer Schwartz
“Many of the students who ask questions on Piazza just wouldn't get the opportunity to ask them otherwise.”
Ron Lee
“I think it impoverishes the learning environment if students don't talk to other students. Piazza makes it very easy to get a discussion going.”
Slobodan Simic
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Paul Hegarty
Computer Science
“In the last few years, Piazza has replaced my entire website.”

abc 加速器

Click on a lecture to learn more

Driving Student Engagement in Large Classes with Piazza
Engaging Women in
STEM Fields on Piazza
【佛跳墙不为人知的营养价值!】-大众养生网:2021-11-30 · 佛跳墙集众多原料于一坛,荤素搭配,荤而不腻,各种滋味相互渗透,均为大补之品,其营养价值首先体现在选料上,十八种主料,二十中辅料中包括了许多的人间美味。
Managing Effective Teaching Teams with Piazza
Framing Student Behaviour with Piazza Tricks
Bridging the Digital Divide
with Piazza

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Computer Science

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Piazza is designed to connect students, TAs, and professors so every student can get the help they need when they need it.

Today, millions of students across thousands of campuses are using Piazza for their classes. It warms me to think I started something that is impacting the way students learn and the way instructors teach.

I sincerely hope Piazza enhances your experience as a student, as a TA, and as a professor.

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